// pages/index/index.js import { xcxsfsm, hqdw, xcxGetCompanyList, xcxGetCompanySwjg, xcxsmbd, xcxsy, } from "../../apis/index.js"; // 屏幕信息 let screenInfo = null; let movableInfo = null; Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { navigation: {}, addressInfo: {}, userInfo: {}, enterPriceList: [], enterpriceTypeShow: false, hall: {}, markers: [], myYy: {}, showVoice: false, searchValue: "", lbList: [ { url: "https://smzc-1253299035.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com/pdjh/miniProgrameYyQh/indexLb1.png", name: "税费争议", event: "navigate", path: "../taxDisputes/index/index", }, { url: "https://smzc-1253299035.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com/pdjh/miniProgrameYyQh/indexLb2.png", name: "", event: "miniProgram", appId: "wxc575845fbd5bac33", }, ], lbIndex: 0, znzxX: 0, znzxY: "500rpx", }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad(options) { let that = this; that.init(); that.getNavigationBar(); that.getIndexInfos(); }, init() { let that = this; let device = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); screenInfo = device.screenWidth - 50; that.setData({ znzxX: screenInfo, }); }, getNavigationBar() { let that = this; const res = wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect(); let navigation = { width: res.left + "px", height: res.height + 6 + "px", paddingTop: res.top - 3 + "px", }; that.setData({ navigation: navigation, }); }, getIndexInfos() { let that = this; that.sfsm(); }, hqdw() { let that = this; wx.getLocation({ type: "wgs84", isHighAccuracy: true, success(result) { hqdw().then((res) => { if (res.code == 200) { let data = JSON.parse(res.message); that.setData({ addressInfo: { lat: result.latitude, lng: result.longitude, address: data.result.ad_info.district || data.result.ad_info.city || data.result.ad_info.province || data.result.ad_info.nation, }, }); wx.setStorageSync( "ADDRESS", data.result.ad_info.district || data.result.ad_info.city || data.result.ad_info.province || data.result.ad_info.nation ); } else { that.setData({ addressInfo: { lat: result.latitude, lng: result.longitude, address: "未知", }, }); wx.setStorageSync("ADDRESS", "未知"); } }); }, fail: (err) => { hqdw().then((res) => { if (res.code == 200) { let data = JSON.parse(res.message); that.setData({ addressInfo: { lat: data.result.location.lat, lng: data.result.location.lng, address: data.result.ad_info.district || data.result.ad_info.city || data.result.ad_info.province || data.result.ad_info.nation, }, }); wx.setStorageSync( "ADDRESS", data.result.ad_info.district || data.result.ad_info.city || data.result.ad_info.province || data.result.ad_info.nation ); } else { that.setData({ addressInfo: { lat: "", lng: "", address: "未知", }, }); wx.setStorageSync("ADDRESS", "未知"); } }); }, }); }, authorizeSuccess() { let that = this; that.getIndexInfos(); }, sfsm() { let that = this; let publicId = wx.getStorageSync("PUBLIC_ID"); if (publicId.unionid) { xcxsfsm({ xcxId: publicId.openid, unionid: publicId.unionid, }).then((res) => { switch (res.code) { default: return; case 200: wx.setStorageSync("REAL_NAME", true); wx.setStorageSync("LOCK", false); var userInfos = { name: res.smxx.xm, idcard: res.smxx.sfzhm, phone: res.smxx.sjh, swjgdm: res.smxx.swjgdm || "", nsrsbh: res.smxx.nsrsbh || "", nsrmc: res.smxx.nsrmc || "", }; wx.setStorageSync("USERINFO", userInfos); that.setData({ userInfo: userInfos, }); break; case 501: wx.setStorageSync("REAL_NAME", false); wx.setStorageSync("LOCK", false); wx.removeStorageSync("USERINFO"); wx.removeStorageSync("MY_HALL"); break; case 502: wx.setStorageSync("REAL_NAME", true); wx.setStorageSync("LOCK", true); var userInfos = { name: res.smxx.xm, idcard: res.smxx.sfzhm, phone: res.smxx.sjh, swjgdm: res.smxx.swjgdm || "", nsrsbh: res.smxx.nsrsbh || "", nsrmc: res.smxx.nsrmc || "", }; wx.setStorageSync("USERINFO", userInfos); that.setData({ userInfo: userInfos, }); break; case 500: wx.removeStorageSync("USERINFO"); wx.removeStorageSync("MY_HALL"); break; } }); } else { setTimeout(() => { that.sfsm(); }, 500); } }, getHall() { let that = this; let publicId = wx.getStorageSync("PUBLIC_ID"); if (that.data.addressInfo.lat && that.data.addressInfo.lng) { let form = { xcxId: publicId.openid, unionid: publicId.unionid, longitude: String(that.data.addressInfo.lng), latitude: String(that.data.addressInfo.lat), nsrsbh: that.data.userInfo.nsrsbh || "", swjgdm: that.data.userInfo.swjgdm || "", }; xcxsy(form).then((res) => { if (res.code == 200) { let halls = res.list.sort((a, b) => { return a.zxjl - b.zxjl; }); wx.setStorageSync("HALL_LIST", halls); that.setMyHall(halls); that.setData({ myYy: res.yyjl, }); } else { wx.showToast({ title: res.msg || res.message, icon: "none", duration: 5000, }); } }); } else { setTimeout(() => { that.getHall(); }, 500); } }, setMyHall(e) { let that = this; let userinfo = wx.getStorageSync("USERINFO"); let myhall = wx.getStorageSync("MY_HALL"); if (myhall) { let update = false; for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { if (e[i].bsfwtDm == myhall.bsfwtDm) { update = true; that.setData({ hall: e[i], }); that.setMarker(e[i]); wx.setStorageSync("MY_HALL", e[i]); break; } } if (!update) { that.setData({ hall: myhall, }); that.setMarker(myhall); } } else { if (userinfo.swjgdm) { let hall = {}; let uswjgdm = userinfo.swjgdm.substring(0, 7); for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { let hswjgdm = e[i].ssswjgDm.substring(0, 7); if (uswjgdm == hswjgdm) { hall = e[i]; break; } } if (!hall.bsfwtmc) hall = e[0]; that.setData({ hall: hall, }); wx.setStorageSync("MY_HALL", hall); that.setMarker(hall); } else { let hall = e[0]; that.setData({ hall: hall, }); wx.setStorageSync("MY_HALL", hall); that.setMarker(hall); } } }, setMarker(e) { let that = this; let lat = e.latitude || e.lat; let lng = e.longitude || e.lng; let marker = { id: 9527, latitude: lat, longitude: lng, title: "", zIndex: 9, alpha: 0.9, iconPath: "../../icon/address.png", width: "30rpx", height: "30rpx", callout: { content: "大厅地址", color: "#313131", textAlign: "center", fontSize: 10, borderRadius: 5, bgColor: "#ffffff", padding: 5, display: "ALWAYS", }, }; that.setData({ markers: [marker], }); }, changeType() { let that = this; let authorize = getApp().globalData.authorize(); if (authorize == 0) { let nsrmc = that.data.userInfo.nsrmc; if (nsrmc.length > 2) { wx.showLoading({ title: "正在切换身份...", }); let publicId = wx.getStorageSync("PUBLIC_ID"); let form = { xcxId: publicId.openid, unionid: publicId.unionid, xm: that.data.userInfo.name, sfzjhm: that.data.userInfo.idcard, sjh: that.data.userInfo.phone, nsrmc: "", nsrsbh: "", swjgdm: "", }; xcxsmbd(form).then((res) => { wx.hideLoading(); if (res.code == 200) { that.getIndexInfos(); that.close(); } else { wx.showToast({ title: res.msg || res.message, icon: "none", duration: 5000, }); } }); } else { that.changeEnterprice(); } } else { let authorizeBox = this.selectComponent("#authorizeBox"); authorizeBox.show(); } }, changeEnterprice() { let that = this; that.setData({ enterPriceList: [], }); let authorize = getApp().globalData.authorize(); if (authorize == 0) { wx.showLoading({ title: "正在获取企业信息", }); that.setData({ enterpriceTypeShow: true, }); xcxGetCompanyList({ xm: that.data.userInfo.name, sfzjhm: that.data.userInfo.idcard, }).then((res) => { wx.hideLoading(); if (res.code == 200) { that.setData({ enterPriceList: res.list, }); } else { wx.showToast({ title: res.msg || res.message, icon: "none", duration: 5000, }); } }); } }, async selectEnterprice(e) { let that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: "正在切换...", }); let publicId = wx.getStorageSync("PUBLIC_ID"); let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item; let form = { xcxId: publicId.openid, unionid: publicId.unionid, xm: that.data.userInfo.name, sfzjhm: that.data.userInfo.idcard, sjh: that.data.userInfo.phone, nsrmc: item.nsrmc, nsrsbh: item.nsrsbh, swjgdm: (await that.getEnterpriceSwjgdm(item)) || "", }; xcxsmbd(form).then((res) => { wx.hideLoading(); if (res.code == 200) { that.close(); let userinfo = { idcard: form.sfzjhm, name: form.xm, nsrmc: form.nsrmc, nsrsbh: form.nsrsbh, phone: form.sjh, swjgdm: form.swjgdm, }; wx.setStorageSync("USERINFO", userinfo); that.setData({ userInfo: userinfo, }); wx.removeStorageSync("MY_HALL"); that.setMyHall(wx.getStorageSync("HALL_LIST")); } else { wx.showToast({ title: res.msg || res.message, icon: "none", duration: 5000, }); } }); }, getEnterpriceSwjgdm(e) { return new Promise((resolve, rejects) => { let form = { djxh: e.djxh, nsrsbh: e.nsrsbh, }; xcxGetCompanySwjg(form).then((res) => { if (res.code == 200) { resolve(res.swjgdm); } else { resolve(null); } }); }); }, close() { let that = this; that.setData({ enterpriceTypeShow: false, }); }, selectHall(e) { let that = this; let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; let authorize = getApp().globalData.authorize(); if (authorize == 0) { wx.navigateTo({ url: "../indexPages/selectHall/selectHall?type=" + type, }); } else { let authorizeBox = this.selectComponent("#authorizeBox"); authorizeBox.show(); } }, start(e) { let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; let authorize = getApp().globalData.authorize(); if (authorize == 0) { wx.navigateTo({ url: "../indexPages/selectBusiness/selectBusiness?type=" + type, }); } else { let authorizeBox = this.selectComponent("#authorizeBox"); authorizeBox.show(); } }, toYyDetail(e) { let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item; wx.navigateTo({ url: "../recordPages/yyjl/yyjl?infos=" + JSON.stringify(item), }); }, toLookSsqh() { wx.switchTab({ url: "../record/record", }); }, startSmrz() { let authorizeBox = this.selectComponent("#authorizeBox"); authorizeBox.show(); }, toSearch() { console.log("search"); }, indexSearchInput(e) { let that = this; let value = e.detail.value; that.setData({ searchValue: value, }); }, startVoice() { let that = this; that.setData({ showVoice: true, }); }, closeVoice() { let that = this; that.setData({ showVoice: false, }); }, resVoice(e) { let that = this; let searchValue = that.data.searchValue; searchValue = searchValue + e.detail; that.setData({ searchValue: searchValue, }); that.closeVoice(); }, movableEnd() { let that = this; if (movableInfo) { that.setData({ znzxX: movableInfo.x, znzxY: movableInfo.y, }); movableInfo = null; } }, movable(e) { let that = this; let now = e.detail; let x = 0; if (now.x > screenInfo / 2) { x = screenInfo; } else { x = 0; } movableInfo = { x: x, y: now.y, }; }, toZnzx() { wx.navigateTo({ url: "../other/znzx/znzx", }); }, lbChage(e) { let that = this; that.setData({ lbIndex: e.detail.current, }); }, swiperTap(e) { let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item; switch (item.event) { case "navigate": wx.navigateTo({ url: item.path, }); break; case "miniProgram": wx.navigateToMiniProgram({ appId: item.appId, fail(err) { wx.showToast({ title: '跳转工行服务小程序失败', icon: "none" }) } }) break; default: break; } }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady() {}, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow() { let that = this; that.hqdw(); that.getHall(); that.getIndexInfos(); let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync("USERINFO"); that.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide() {}, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload() {}, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh() {}, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom() {}, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage() {}, });